2019 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
Cardinal, P.
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Lanovaz, M. J., Cardinal, P., & *Francis, M. (2019). Using a visual structured criterion for the analysis of alternating-treatment designs. Behavior Modification, 43, 115-131.
2019 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
Turgeon, S.
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Wheatley, T. L.
Lanovaz, M. J., *Turgeon, S., Cardinal, P., & Wheatley, T. L. (2019). Using single-case designs in practical settings: Is replication always necessary? Perspectives on Behavior Science, 42, 153-162.
2019 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
Adams, B.
Lanovaz, M. J. & Adams, B. (2019). A comparison of communication tone and responding across users and developers in two R mailing lists. IEEE Software, 36(5), 46-50.
2017 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
Huxley, S. C.
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Lanovaz, M. J., *Huxley, S. C., & *Dufour, M.-M. (2017). Using the dual-criteria methods to supplement visual inspection: An analysis of nonsimulated data. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 50, 662-667.
2017 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
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Lanovaz, M. J., *Dufour, M.-M., & *Argumedes, M. (2017). Behavior analytic methods. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Handbook of social behavior and skills (pp. 115-132). New York, NY: Springer.
2017 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
Huxley, S. C.
Lanovaz, M. J., & *Huxley, S. C. (2017). Effects of background music on socially reinforced problem behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders. Psychology of Music, 45, 450-456
2016 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
Rapp, J. T.
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*Dorion, C.
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Lanovaz, M. J., Rapp, J. T., *Maciw, I., *Dorion, C., & *Prégent-Pelletier, É. (2016). Preliminary effects of parent-implemented behavioral interventions for stereotypy: Brief report. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 19, 193-196.
2016 |
Lanovaz, M. J. |
Rapp, J. T.
Lanovaz, M. J. &, Rapp, J. T. (2016). Using single-case experiments to support evidencebased decisions: How much is enough?. Behavior Modification, 40, 377395