2017 |
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2016 |
Normand, C. L. |
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2016 |
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2016 |
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2016 |
Normand, C. L. |
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Fecteau, S.
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Dupont, M-È
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2016 |
Normand, C. L. |
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Normand, C. L., & Sallafranque St-Louis, F. (2016). Risks and benefits of Internet use by people with neurodevelopmental disorders. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, 14, 219‑222.
2015 |
Normand, C. L. |
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Normand, C., Rodier, S., Lussier-Desrochers, D., & Giguère, L. (2016). Peut-on favoriser l’inclusion sociale des jeunes par l’utilisation des médias sociaux? Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle, 27, 101‑115.